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Admission Criteria

To be eligible for hospice care, a patient must agree to receive palliative care rather than curative or aggressive treatment. The patient’s referring Physician and the Holy Hospice & Palliative Care team of professionals must agree that the patient has a limited life expectancy and that the patient is ready to have the illness run its normal course with the support of the Hospice team. Our team conducts a patient evaluation to determine eligibility and to help determine if Hospice services are appropriate for the patient.


The Holy Hospice & Palliative Care team will discuss, inform and educate the patient and family about the Hospice philosophy and the process. The Hospice team remains in contact with the patient’s physician for the continued supervision of the care. Patients who agree to Hospice care must decide to focus on Quality of life rather than quantity.




Home Nurse Examining Patient

Payer Source


Holy Hospice & Palliative Care bills Medicare, Medicaid or Private Insurance Hospice Benefits. They cover 100 percent of the benefits. Even when private insurance does not cover a 100 percent of hospice benefits, there are no co-payments applied to patients for related services. The services include all professional visits and services when admitted, medical equipment, supplies and medications related to the terminal diagnosis.


  • Medicare

  • Medicaid

  • Private Insurance




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